St Peters Church is thought to have been founded by Mercian Earl Leofric, husband to Lady Godiva, in Saxon Times. Worfield was probably a logical place to build a Church as the area had so many caves and wells which were important spiritually to Pagan Saxons. Wells were believed to have magical powers & history books refer to St Peters well in Worfield. The exact location of the well is uncertain, with two sites, one in the Churchyard to the west of the Church and one on the west side of the road 150 metres north of the Church, being put forward as possibilities.
The BuildingThe oldest part of the existing church building dates back to the early English period (1150-1250) with extensions added between 1250 and 1499 which included the construction of the tower & spire.Parts of the window at the East end of the South aisle date back to the 15th Century and it depicts, in the centre, the Crucifixion, on the left, the central figure is thought to be Bishop Scrope of Lichfield, and on the right, King Richard II.The large gallery to house the organ was built in 1820.Between 1861 & 1862 extensive restoration was carried out by F & H Francis at a cost of £2159 13s 1d which dramatically altered the Church. Some of the work carried out included:
Replacement of all windows except the East window of the South aisle
The tracery (stonework around the windows) of some of the windows was renewed.
Galleries and plaster ceilings were removed.
The box pews were removed and replaced by the present oak pews.
A three decker pulpit was removed and replaced.
The porch was replaced.
The altar area was extended.

The tower is 80 feet high and built in red sandstone. The spire adds another 120 feet to the overall height. In between the porch and the tower is a small window thought to be late 12th Century which was probably an early belfry window. This suggests the presence of an Early English tower before the present one was built.
The six bells have inscriptions as follows:
1st bell: “Prosperity to all our true friends” 1699. John Malpas, Thos. Barney (Sexton) A.R.
2nd bell: “We are all cast at the City of Gloucester” A.R.
3rd bell: “God save the King” 1699. Thos. Bradborne A.R.
4th bell: “Abra. Rodhall cast us all.” 1699 John Walker, gent.
5th bell: 1699. William Thomason. Thomas Bache, churchwardens.
6th bell: “I to the Church the living call, and to the grave do summon all.”
The Vicar’s bell: 1779 Wm. Morrison, churchwarden.
The tenor bell weighs 15cwt.
The original clappers which are around 300 years old are hanging on the wall outside the Vestry.

Sir George Bromley’s tomb (pictured)
George Bromley’s parents were George Bromley of Hawkstone and his wife Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Lacon of Willey. He married Joan (aka Jane), the daughter and sole heir of John Wannerton (aka Waverton) of Hallon, Worfield in 1555 and had 6 sons and 4 daughters.
During his career as a lawyer, politician and judge he served as Member of Parliament for Much Wenlock, Liskeard and Shropshire. He was knighted in 1571 and made Chief Justice of Cheshire in May 1580. He died on 2nd March 1589 aged 63.
His career was somewhat overshadowed by that of his brother Thomas, who was made Lord High Chancellor in 1579 and presided over the trial of Mary Queen of Scots. He died 3 months after the trial, it is said from stress related illness as a result of the pressure, and is buried in St Pauls Chapel, Westminster Abbey.
Sir Edward Bromley’s tomb.
This tomb with its elaborate canopy is in memory of Sir Edward Bromley (second son of Sir George Bromley) baptised in Worfield on 17th October 1563, and his wife Margaret Lowe, daughter and heiress of Michael Lowe, of Tymore, Enville, Staffordshire. Sir Edward was a distinguished lawyer, and is depicted on his tomb wearing legal costume. He held the position Baron of the Exchequer 1609-1610 and was knighted on 25th March 1610. He died on 2nd June 1626 without issue. The Bromley family crest can be seen underneath the canopy and an early example of graffiti (dating back to the 1600’s) can also be seen on the pillars. Graffiti dating back to the 1600’s can be seen on Sir Edward Bromley’s tomb.
A pair of medieval doors were found some years ago (reputedly under a haystack!) which are believed to be the old church doors and date back to the 13th century. They show a very early example of “ironwork,” where iron replaced skin as a method of decoration, and there are believed to be only a handful of this type of doors left in England. They are now hung on the wall of the gallery. Others can be seen at St Pater’s Church Old Woking Surrey & St Saviour’s Dartmouth Devon

Hatchments were a funeral representation of the coat of arms of the deceased. They were carried before the coffin and then hung outside the deceased’s home for 6 to 12 months before being taken to the parish church.
This hatchment for William Sherrington Davenport bears an inscription “Audaces Fortuna Juvat” or “fortune favours the bold”. There is an image of a man with a rope in the top right hand corner. As the Davenports were sheriffs, it signifies their duty to catch poachers on their land

Parts of the east window of the south aisle are the oldest in the church. Signs of this early date include the low mitre worn by one of the figures, the absence of any mark of the iris in the eyes, the natural foliage and the general character of the colouring. It depicts in the centre the Crucifixion, on the left the central figure is thought to be Bishop Scrope of Lichfield and on the right, King Richard II. Parts of this window date back to the 1400’s, the others were replaced during works in 1861.
South Aisle
The Crucifixion window in the east end.
1st window: The Angel appears to Mary
Adoration of the Magi
2nd window: The infant Christ presented in the Temple.
3rd window: The flight into Egypt away from King Herod
The Massacre of the Innocents
4th window: Jesus at 12 years old taking part in discussions in the Temple
His childhood in Nazareth
The Last Judgement showing the kings losing their crowns and the angels with flaming swords chasing the wicked into hell.
North Aisle opposite the entrance
West window: The woman anointing Jesus’ feet with ointment
1st window: The Good Samaritan
2nd window: The story of Mary and Martha
3rd window: The Angel at the Tomb
On the Road to Emmaus
4th window: The Good Shepherd
East window: The Women at the Tomb on Easter Day. St Mary Magdalene carrying the myrrh is the central figure. She is wearing a purple robe denoting penitence.
In the Nave
The west window depicts the parable of the Last Judgment.
As you stand in the centre aisle, you will notice that the subjects portrayed in the glass follow a definite pattern. They begin with the Angel’s appearance to the Virgin Mary, carry on with the Gospel story and end with aspects of the Resurrection.
In the Chancel
The great east window is a resume of all the others.
On either side of the Alter we have the four Evangelists: on the north St Mark and St Matthew, on the south, St Luke and St John. They are identified by their symbols: a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle respectively.
On the Alter side we also have the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the raising of Lazarus.
Opposite is the healing of the man by the Pool of Bethesda, and the healing of the man with palsy who was let down through the roof.
Finally, just by the Vicar’s stall there is a St Peter window showing the saint both with a key and a sword.